Sunday, August 23, 2020

Hi everyone!

Eksistensi soothing gel tampaknya masih belum redup, ya?! Soothing gel yang memiliki manfaat utama melembabkan dan menenangkan kulit dapat dipakai dengan banyak cara. Pemakaiannya pun bisa digunakan di seluruh bagian tubuh. Well, bagi yang belum tau, banyak banget loh hacks menggunakan soothing gel. Misal, untuk campuran masker rambut, wajah, atau badan. Tapi, semua itu tergantung kondisi masing-masing. Nggak semua hacks yang ada cocok di kamu dan harus memperhatikan bahan aktif yang dicampurkan, ya!

The existence of soothing gel doesn't seem going down, right?! A soothing gel with the main benefit of moisturizing and soothing the skin can be used in many ways. It can be used on all parts of the body. Well, for those who don't know, there are lots of hacks using a soothing gel. For example, to be mixed with a hair mask, face mask, or body mask. However, it all depends on the conditions of each person. Not all hacks are suitable for you, and please, you have to pay attention to the active ingredients you mix!

Aku termasuk yang picky terhadap soothing gel karena beberapa kali menemukan soothing gel yang aroma alkoholnya sangat kuat. Nah, kali ini aku mencoba New and Improved Formula dari SNP Soothing gel. Terdapat empat varian soothing gel SNP yaitu aloe vera, snail, pomegranate, dan bird's nest.

I'm a picky person for soothing gel products because for several times I found soothing gel with strong alcoholic aroma. So, this time I tried the new and improved formula from SNP Soothing Gel. There are four variants of SNP Soothing Gel, which is aloe vera, snail, pomegranate, and bird's nest. 

Tidak hanya formulanya yang diperbarui tetapi juga kemasannya. Masih tetap dikemas dalam jar besar dan ada sekat bening di dalamnya namun desain gambar covernya berbeda dari yang sebelumnya. Ini adalah kemasan baru untuk SNAIL Intensive Soothing Gel.

Not only for the formula which updated but also for the cover of the packaging. It still packaged in a huge jar and has a clear partition inside, but the image design is different from the previous one. Below is the new packaging for SNAIL Intensive Soothing Gel.

Kembali bicara tentang new and improved formula untuk soothing gel seriesnya SNP, kira-kira apa sih yang diperbarui dan ditingkatkan dari segi formulanya?

Back to the new and improved formula for all those SNP's Soothing Gel series, can you guess what has been updated and improved in terms of formulas?

SNP SNAIL Intensive Soothing Gel
Price: IDR 100.000
BPOM No. NA26200100314
Buy from shopee
Manufactured by. White Cospharm Co., Ltd. - Korea
Imported and distributed by PT. Orion Beauty International
Official website: | instagram:

SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel kini mengandung formula allergen-free. Artinya, produk ini diformulasikan agar tidak rentan menyebabkan alergi dan iritasi pada kulit. Selain itu, dari segi fragrance, walaupun masih tetap kandungan alkohol ada di baris atas pada ingredients, namun aroma alkoholnya sangat tersamarkan. Aku suka varian snail ini karena menurutku aromanya sangat lembut dan menenangkan.

SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel now contains an allergen-free formula. It means that this product is formulated to not prone to causing allergies and skin irritation. In addition, in terms of fragrance, although the alcohol content is still at the top of the line in ingredients, the aroma of alcohol is very subtle. I love this snail variant because it has a very soft and relaxing aroma.

Dari deretan ingredients ada sembilan herbal ingredients, yaitu chamomile, rosemary, lavender, bergamot, basil, sage, oregano, spearmint, dan lemon balm yang secara keseluruhan memiliki peran sebagai anti-inflamasi, memberikan efek menenangkan, dan meredakan jerawat, dll [1][2][3], [4], [5], [6]. Adapun dalam Snail Intensive Soothing Gel terdapat kandungan lendir siput yang akan menghaluskan kulit kering dan sensitif akibat pengaruh eksternal dan bekerja untuk melapisi kulit agar kulit menjadi lebih ternutrisi.

From the row of ingredients, there are nine herbal ingredients, which are chamomile, rosemary, lavender, bergamot, basil, sage, oregano, spearmint, and lemon balm which all have a role as anti-inflammatory, providing calming effect, relieves acne, [1][2][3][4][5][6] etc. SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel also contains snail mucus which will smooth dry and sensitive skin due to external influences and provide nutrition for skin.

SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel cocok untuk semua jenis kulit termasuk kulit sensitif karena produk ini bebas dari pewarna buatan, animal oil, mineral oil, paraben, dan benzophenone.

SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel is suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin because this product is free from artificial color, animal oil, mineral oil, parabens, and benzophenone.

Kegunaan: Memberikan kelembapan, menenangkan dan menutrisi kulit, serta merawat elastisitas kulit.
Cara pemakaian: Gunakanlah pada area yang kering dan sensitive sesuai keinginan (pada wajah, lengan, kaki, atau seluruh badan). Dapat disimpan ke dalam kulkas untuk efek dingin.

Uses: gives moisture, soothing, and nourishing the skin, as well as treat the skin elasticity.
Directions: Apply liberally onto dry and rough face and body parts and gently absorb into skin.

Pemakaian SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel bisa untuk rambut, wajah, maupun kulit badan. Menurutku, paling enak kalau dipakai setelah panas-panasan karena ada sensasi dinginnya yang menenangkan. Misalnya, setelah mencuci dan menjemur pakaian. Ini nih moment dimana satu badan bisa aku pakaikan SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel saking cintanya. Lagian, isinya juga banyak, jadi nggak perlu pelit-pelit kalau pakai.

SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel can be used for hair, face, and body. IMO, after being exposed to the hot sun is the best time for using the soothing gel because there is a soothing and cooling sensation. For example, after washing and drying clothes, this one is the moment where I can use SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel for all of the parts of the body. After all, its contents a lot, which is 300g, so you don't need to be stingy when you use it.

Saat menjemur pakaian biasanya matahari mulai terik atau justru sedang terik, kan?! Rambut jadi bau matahari dan juga kering. Nah, aku pakai SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel baik di kulit kepala, batang rambut maupun ujung rambut. Mungkin karena teksturnya gel sehingga mudah terserap oleh kulit kepala. Berbeda dengan hair oil, soothing gel ini sangat aman digunakan di kulit kepala, ya!

Usually, when drying clothes, the sun starts to get hot or it is actually hot, right?! Hair smells of the sun and is dry. So, I use the soothing gel on my scalp, hair shaft, and ends of my hair. Maybe because of the gel texture so that it is easily absorbed by the scalp. Unlike hair oil, this soothing gel is very safe to use on the scalp.

Aku teringat ketika masih kecil di teras rumah, kulit kepala ku sering di oleskan gel lidah buaya (langsung dari tanamannya) sambil aku tiduran ditemani semilir angin. Ibu bilang, gel lidah buaya itu bisa membantu pertumbuhan rambut dan meningkatkan kekuatan rambut. Saat aku masih kecil memang rambutku sangaaat sedikit dan dengan bantuan tanaman lidah buaya lumayan ada efeknya untuk pertumbuhan rambut, walaupun bukan menjadi lebat banget, ya!

Remembered when I was a kid, on the porch of my house, my mom often applied aloe vera gel on my scalp (straight from the plant). My mother said that aloe vera gel can help hair growth and increases hair strength. Little Vida born with little hair, so I have less hair than other children, and with the help of aloe vera, it has quite an effect on hair growth, even though it hadn't get a really full head of thick hair.

Karena pengalaman masa kecilku, aku berani mencoba SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel untuk di kulit kepala. Sejauh ini, nggak ada rasa lepek, gatal atau ketombean. Tapi, perlu diingat, jangan aplikasikan ketika kulit kepala sedang sangat berkeringat ya. Mungkin karena aku bisa cepat menjemur pakaian, jadinya kulit kepala ku belum keburu berkeringat lebay gitu. Makanya aku tetap bisa mengaplikasikan soothing gel di kulit kepala tanpa rasa risih atau kepliket karena keringat.

Because of my childhood experience, I dared to try SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel for the scalp. So far, there is no oily/greasy feeling, itching, or dandruff. But, keep in mind, don't apply when your scalp is very sweaty. Maybe because I can dry my clothes quickly, so my scalp hasn't been sweating too much. That's why I can still apply the soothing gel to my scalp without feeling uncomfortable due to sweat.

Pemakaian di badan seperti di tangan dan kaki, rasanya sudah sangat umum ya. Setelah terkena panas matahari memang paling enak pakai soothing gel. Walaupun umumnya soothing gel manapun memang mudah terserap oleh kulit, tapi nggak semua soothing gel punya efek yang enak di kulit, loh! Aku suka SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel karena setelah terserap oleh kulit memberikan kesan kulit lembut bukan kering kesat.

Using the soothing gel on the body such as on the hands and feet is very common. After being exposed to the hot sun, it's best to use a soothing gel. Although generally any soothing gel is easily absorbed by the skin, not all soothing gels have a good effect on the skin! I like SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel because once it gets absorbed into the skin, it gives the impression of soft skin instead of dry rough skin

Aku merasakan manfaat utama SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel sebagaimana yang tertulis di deskripsi produk, yaitu dapat memberikan kelembapan, menenangkan dan menutrisi kulit, serta merawat elastisitas kulit.

I feel the main benefits of SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel as stated in the product description, which is to provide moisture, soothe, and nourish the skin, and maintain skin elasticity.

Tips ketika digunakan untuk kulit badan: Aplikasikan soothing gel terlebih dahulu dan tunggu beberapa saat setelah produk terserap. Lanjutkan dengan pemakaian body lotion. Kenapa pakai body lotion? Karena body lotion dapat menjaga kecerahan kulit, jadi walaupun habis panas-panasan kulit nggak kusam deh ;)

Tips when used for body skin: Apply soothing gel first and wait for a second after the product is absorbed. Continue with the use of body lotion. Why? Because body lotion can maintain skin brightness, so even if the skin runs out of the heat, the skin is not dull ;)

Pemakaian di wajah terasa menenangkan dan sensasi dinginnya lebih awet. Makanya soothing gel ini sering direkomendasikan untuk menenangkan kulit yang sedang iritasi. Aku pribadi belum pernah mencoba menggunakan produk ini saat kulit iritasi, karena kulitku alhamdulillah baik-baik saja. Adakah di antara teman-teman yang pernah mencoba saat kulitnya iritasi?

Using it on the face feels soothing and the cold sensation lasts longer. That's why this soothing gel is often recommended to soothe irritated skin. Personally, I have never tried using this product when my skin is irritated because thank God my skin is fine. Have you ever tried it when your skin was irritated?

Sebenarnya banyak sekali kegunaan dari soothing gel. Tapi, aku belum mencoba semua hacks yang ada di internet. Nah, kalau teman-teman tertarik, aku akan bikin tulisan tentang pembuktian hacks seputar soothing gel! Jujur, aku sih penasaran banget. Kalau kalian penasaran follow juga instagram aku, ya! Siapa tau aku akan share di instastory.

Actually, there are many uses of a soothing gel. But I haven't tried all the hacks on the internet. So if you are interested, I will write about the proof of hacks soothing gel! Honestly, I'm really curious. If you are curious too then follow my Instagram, ok?! Who knows, I will share it on the instastory first.

Secara keseluruhan setelah pemakaian hampir dua minggu, aku merasakan rambutku jadi lebih mudah diatur, selain itu kulit menjadi lebih terjaga kelembabannya dan ternutrisi dengan baik. Tidak ada efek negatif selama masa percobaan SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel.

Overall after nearly two weeks, I find my hair more manageable, besides that my skin is softer and well-nourished. There were no negative effects during the trial period of SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel.

SNP Snail Intensive Soothing Gel has a relaxing fragrance, it makes me sleep tightly.

Well, aku akan beri ide tambahan lagi dalam penggunaan intensive soothing gel, mungkin beberapa di antara kalian ada yang sedang cari cara untuk menghabiskan soothing gelnya.

Well, I'll give you additional ideas for using intensive soothing gel, maybe some of you are looking for a way to use up the soothing gel.

  1. Dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti moisturizer dan sleeping pack. Can be used as a substitute for a moisturizer and sleeping pack.
  2. Dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti body lotion, yang dapat diaplikasikan pada lengan, kaki, siku, maupun lutut yang kering (kalau lagi nggak butuh efek mencerahkan, pakai soothing gel saja sudah cukup melembabkan seperti body lotion). Can be used as a substitute for body lotion in case for moisture effect only, not for brightening effect.
  3. Dapat digunakan sebagai after shaving cream untuk menenangkan kulit sensitive dan memberikan kelembapan pada kulit. Can be used as an after shaving cream to soothe sensitive skin and provide moisture to the skin.
  4. Dapat digunakan sebagai eye gel. Can be used as an eye gel.
  5. Dapat digunakan sebagai hair essence untuk memberikan nutrisi pada rambut. Can be used as a hair essence to provide nutrients to hair.

Ohiya, harga normal untuk SNP Intensive Soothing Gel series adalah IDR 100.000,- dan bisa didapatkan di official store SNP yaitu di shopee. Adapun informasi lebih lanjut tentang produk-produk SNP lainnya bisa kalian cek di dan instagramnya (FYI, di instagram SNP sering banget mengadakan giveaway, menurutku nggak akan rugi kalau kalian follow instagram mereka juga ;)

The normal price of the SNP Intensive Soothing Gel series is IDR 100,000 and can be found at the SNP official store (shopee). You can check more information about other SNP products at and instagram ;)

Yes! Finally, this is the end of my blog post today. Thank you so much for reading until the end and see you in my next post!

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Facebook: Vida Zenitha

Thank you!

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